Our little Family

Our little Family

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Welcome to the crazy or not so crazy life of us!

So I am starting this family blog to update our family and friends of things going on in our lives. (most likely not the most interesting) hahaha.. but it's something. I am not the best at being active on Facebook. I think this is a more personal way to really talk and entertain our loved ones. I want you all to feel like you spend everyday with us even when you live so far away. Hopefully I am better at this ;)

I love reading my friends and families blogs, It helps me feel like they are still apart of my life even though I never get to see them that often.

Right now in the Hondel family household... Mike is working in Seattle selling Telecommunications to large businesses. He is starting to really like it, and they all really like him. I am so happy for him! All I care about is that he enjoys his work. We all know he would definately prefer to golf full time, but that doesn't pay the bills right now. hahaha.. Grace is almost 4! Her birthday is in 3 months..she will remind us of that multiple time a day! and so far her birthday will be extremely extravagant if she gets everything she has asked us for. The main thing she always has been asking us for was a babysister... she is getting that wish..just not for her birthday and we aren't sure if it will be a sister. She doesn't want a brother because she says "boys are broken". lol!

Grace is obsessed with volcanoes! We live close within a good distance from Mt. Rainier and we can see it everywhere we go. Mt. Rainier is an active Volcanoe..it can explode at any moment...but it hasn't in like many years..I mean many! and with the technology today we would be warned ahead of time if anything seemed dangerous. Grace is always telling us her plan if the volcanoe erupts...it's different everytime and always funny! Every first monday of the month a huge fire drill goes off for the city to test the alarms for when the volcanoe errupts. We live in a valley that would get destroyed when that happens. Our first month here I had freaked out when I heard the alarm because I didn't know it was a drill! Mike thought it was pretty funny. Needless to say..we won't be living in this certain area forever! We plan to buy a home upland where the lava/mud can't reach us.

Mikie is 18 months and so sweet. He is a momma's boy for sure! and I love it...sometimes lol. His main love is balls..any ball and sport and he is a slave to it. He is so much like his dad! We love him tremendously and he is such a joyfull spirit. Grace and he have so much fun playing together...sometimes..lol.

We are expecting number 3..don't know when quite yet. We will know July 31st. I have been sick off and on for a couple months and we were frequently taking tests to see if I was pregnant and they were all negative..but something inside me was telling me I was. So we made the decision to stay off birth control to make sure we didn't harm the baby. Then monday of last week I felt some movement after dinner when we were at our good friends house (the Tibbets) and I told my friend Katrina I think  I am feeling a baby move...but hopefully it is just gas! Then tues morning it still was happening and all through the day it seemed to get stronger and stronger, so I finally caved and took the last test wehad in our house. It showed up negative and then 10 min later it came out positive! so we have no clue how far along we are. I haven't had "that time of the month" problem yet since I am still nursing Mikie. So it will be interesting to find out. To be honest we are hoping that we are like around 5 weeks (even though feeling a baby move at that point is nearly impossible). We have our suspicions on why I felt that even if I was not far alon at all. but we'll see! We would just love to have a mid spring baby.

I am currently about 30 lbs overweight. My ideal and healthy weight for my body structure is 128-130 lbs. and I am in the 160's somewhere. So my goal for this pregnancy is to stay healthy and active so that I can have a great delivery and recovery afterwards. I had exercised all through my pregnancy with grace and did great and lost the baby weight so fast. With Michaels I was so sick and very tired all the time so I went into unhealthy eating habbits and no exercise other than chasing grace around. I had a terrible labor because of that and recovery after has been slow and hard. I have been exercising and eating healthy and then we found out we were pregnant! so even though I am nauseated and tired I am finding ways to combat it and make healthier choices. So on this blog I will post progress, pics, recipes and exercise ideas that have helped me to get fit during pregnancy. So far it has been really good!

I just purchased last night my prenatal fitness dvd called Expecting More by Sarah Haley. It has 5 star ratings from women who are very athletic before pregnancy and remained the same because of using this dvd. Plus it is 100% safe for the baby! I am still doing my old stuff that I love like Physique 57, Tracy Anderson, and treadmill dancing.

We are also juicing from our new Masticating Juicer the Omega J8006. It is seriously AWESOME!! it presses and grinds the juice out so it preserves more vitamins, slows the oxidation process and extracts more juice. We have been drinking so many disgusting green juices but at least we feel great and our bodies are healthy and this baby is getting a great start!

Anyway, we love you all! and I look forward to writing more and helping you all feel like you are apart of our lives daily or almost daily!

with much love, Camilla