Our little Family

Our little Family

Monday, March 31, 2014

New Name and New update!

Hey there, it's me Camilla. I am just laughing at myself right now because I just read my last update from over a YEAR ago!! Holy cow!

This year I made it my goal to write on the blog at least once a week. baby steps. I felt I needed to just for our sake. I want to be able to make this a journal to look back on. I also changed the name To Faith, Grace and Love. First because the name is special because it comes from our daughters names, Camilla Grace, and Abigail Faith. and Love for our family. Our home is truly built upon love everyday.. but not every moment of the day for sure! ;)

We named our daughters after virtues.. we joke (and anybody who  knows me and Mike's story, will laugh) that we should have named Grace... Chastity. hahaha but Grace was very fitting for her more so than Chastity. ;)

I also changed the name because this blog will be more than just casual updates but some more thought provoking posts about our Faith in Jesus Christ. I want to be able to write my thoughts down like this, even if nobody reads this but me, it'll be a great place to share my testimony and my thoughts about our faith and things I want to work on.

Sooo.. Here we go.. the update!

This last weekend Mike and I started a "Star Chart" for the kids.. but it's not for chores. It's for praying as a family and personal prayers, and reading our scriptures everyday. It's also for having our family home evenings once a week. So every day when we do these things we put a star sticker on the chart. Once they earn so many stars, they get a treat or we get to go somewhere fun of their choice. We did this to help with their motivation.. because seriously?? What kid wants to sit and read scriptures every night when they could be playing their toys instead? We know how important that the habit of scripture study and prayer everyday is vital for personal growth and testimony. We want them to develop these habits so that when they are independent and grown, they are more likely to keep these habits.

Last night we had a rough night with it. As perfect as this plan sounds, it doesn't go perfectly. Our kids are silly to the core! Like we are ;) They were giggling and acting silly and we could not get them to settle down! It got the point where when we start to read, we would all laugh, because it was hard to be serious. So I talked to Mike and we decided to start with prayer. We asked for the Holy Ghost to be with us so that we can be reverent and listen and learn as we studied our scriptures.

As we read (we only read 1 or 2 versus and Mike and I expand and talk to them about what was said in those two versus and teach them about bigger words so that their younger minds can understand) Grace pointed out that it was really quite and that she didn't feel silly any more. I told her that she was feeling the Holy Ghost present, and that when the Holy Ghost is felt, he is telling you that what you feel and have read or were taught is true. She asked us to read some more. Then after our study and before bed she kept saying "the Holy Ghost helps me stop laughing!" It was a sweet moment for me as a mother because I want our kids to recognize the Holy Ghost working in their lives. I want them to be able to recognize good from evil, so that they can make good choices when they are being tempted.

I am so grateful for this life we live, I am grateful for the knowledge we have and our testimony's of Christ and his sacrifice for us. but more than just knowing, I am grateful to have the gift of the Holy Ghost. It's so sweet to be able to feel that peace and through him, to be able to feel my Father in Heaven's love for me our family. I am also grateful for God's help in raising our family.

I can promise you though, our life is crazy!! and most moments out of the day aren't that sweet but when we have the sweet moments, it helps me forget the moments when I want to ship my children off to another place far away form here! ;)

Another thing we are up to, is Mike got a new job as a loan officer at Guild Mortgage in South Hill Puyallup WA. He loves it! seriously night and day. He didn't hate his old job but he definitely felt under appreciated and lied to over and over, so it was time for a change. His new job, his hard work is always noticed and he is busy there. He really loves it so far, so that makes me happy. I want him to enjoy his work place, I hated seeing him feel discouraged when he would get home from his old job. So it feels as if a ton of bricks are off our shoulders and we can breathe happier again.

Mike has been going to the gym almost every morning and has lost 16lbs so far an he is looking good and feeling better physically. He wanted to get in shape for church basketball. If any one knows Mike he loves sports!! and he loves to play them and be a good player to be great asset to his team. The team he is apart of took second place this last week and now he has the bigger games in 2 more weeks, where they play another stake's 1st and 2nd team at another playoff. So he is really motivated to get in even better shape so that he can play his best.

As for me, I am starting photography. I have always enjoyed other people's skills at photography and have wanted to learn.. so now I am going to. I love it so far! I am trying to learn, so if anyone has pointers feel free to teach them to me! ;)

Also our baby girl Abigail just turned 1 years old!! time is flying!! I seriously need to change our picture on the blog!!

Until next time!

Your Friend, Camilla :)