Our little Family

Our little Family

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Big long Utah trip!

So we just got back from our Utah vacation trip! Abigail, Michael, and I have been gone for almost 4 weeks! Pretty much the whole month of March! Holy Cow! 2 1/2 weeks later Mike and Grace joined us.. Seriously living without them was so hard and long. I really don't know how people emotionally survive? The first 2 days I was crying spontaneously and then after that, I was having a hard time in the evenings when we would talk on the phone. The reason I was down in Utah for so long was that we had a month full of events down there that both Mike and I couldn't be there for.
For instance... My dear friend who was a sister missionary who served in our ward was getting married to her High school sweetheart on March 6th and her bridal shower was the night before. She and I became sisters while she served here and I have grown quite attached to that cutie! I promised her when she was up here serving that I would try to be there for her wedding someday and her wedding was the same month my little sister Maggie was blessing her baby and My little brother Neal was leaving on his mission, but the dates were spanned out, so Mike and I decided to have me stay the entire month. That way I get to enjoy my family for a while, which I never get to do. I really had a good time and even though that time away from each other was hard, it was really nice to spend quality time with my family.

Abigail turned 2 while on the trip! She has gotten so big! She is such a spunky and strong willed little human.. She is very vocal and opinionated, she really is perfect in every way! We love her sooooooooooooooo much! I still can't believe my baby is 2.. it's a little bitter sweet.

I took a bunch of pictures from the trip.. I guess I'll tell the stories with the pictures.. they aren't in correct order though and I'm too lazy to fix that.. ;)
This is me and my nephew cuddling.. he's my little buddy.. :)
This was taken right after dropping Neal (Elder Dorrough) off at the MTC. We went to our favorite place, Café Rio. Mmmmmmm...
This was the morning Neal took out his endowments at the Provo Temple. It was really fun and special. We all did family names from my Mom's side and I had a special experience that'll be secret and sacred to me. I love this Gospel and the knowledge that we can be together forever.
 Here is my little nephew Jude flirting with me.. he seriously melts my heart! I even wrote him a song called, "i'm in love with a boy named Jude, I love you." Whenever I sing it to him he smile's and coo's, it's so sweet and special. He's my first "blood" nephew. The first time he and I met, I felt our connection, and I think he felt it too.. Families really are together forever, even before this life. I just know it and feel it.. my experience with Jude is proof to  me.

The kids at Costa vida with all the family. Just a fun family outing with ALL of my family and siblings! This trip has been sooo fun!
Again, me and my little buddy, Jude!

 The kids fishing with Grandpa, they even caught a little trout! 

Dropping off and saying goodbye to my little brother, Neal! It was emotional.. goodbyes are hard, especially when you know you won't see them for  2years! We're so proud of him!

Michael is going to miss his uncle Neal.. Those two are real good pals.

Abigail on her 2nd birthday! Chocolate sprinkle donuts for breakfast! She was in Heaven!
Michael being silly on Grandma's mini Farm!
Abigail in her cape and crown Grandma made her for her Birthday! She was sooooo excited! She walked around like she really was a super special girl! She really is! ;)
We took family pictures while in Utah since it is rare when our entire family is all together and this would have been the last time for at least 6 years. Since my brothers are all less than 2 years apart and all plan to serve mission's like Neal. This picture is of my sister Crystal and her super talented husband Adam.
This is my little Brother Michael and his wife Chelsea and their new puppy.. not sure on the name yet. ;)
The whole Gang! :) Love my Family!
My little Sister Maggie, her super fun and awesome Husband Taylor and the little cutie, Jude. :)
My little sister Brandy (crystal's twin) and her super awesome Husband Tom, and their son Nick.
Here, is my little family! I am so blessed to have them! P.S.. This was the best picture we could get out of at least 20.. haha They were all grumpy at one point.. ;
My little brother Neal (Elder Dorrough) I got the honor of taking and editing his mission pictures.. this one is my favorite. Such a sweet guy! Lansing Michigan is lucky to have him! We also had his farewell, I didn't take any pictures at his luncheon afterwards, but it was a nice day.. I also had the honors of singing a special rendition of "I know that my redeemer lives" before Neal spoke at his Mission Farwell at church. It was a special experience for me and for him. :)
Me and my dear Friend Jule's at Krystal's wedding.. we are in the same ward (I'm her visiting teacher) and we both came down, not knowing each other was coming and got to spend some great time together! She is one special and amazing lady! Love her!! This was us at the Salt Lake City temple. We came early before the Sealing ceremony of Krystal and Jacob to do a live endowment session. It was awesome! The SLC temple is gorgeous!!

My favorite girl and her new Husband! :)

I really had a great time! The one thing I didn't get pictures of though, was Mike and I got a night away from the kids. My parents babysat the kids, and Mike and I went to the Anniversary INN in Salt lake City, close to the temple. We stayed in the Grande Bridal sweet. It was incredible! Seriously. The room's online looked super cheesy and we couldn't stop laughing at some of them, but in person, it was pretty cool.. still a bit of a cheese factor.. but not cheap cheesy. If you are ever in Salt lake City, you should check them out! Mike and I want to go every time we take a trip to Utah. It was so romantic, especially after missing each other for two weeks!  We really got to re-kindle our love for each other. We went out for some nice sushi, we only shared 3 rolls since we didn't want to be stuffed or bloated that night... ;) :) haha.. We went to the hotel checked in.. I dressed up in a nice beautiful  ivory dress and strappy heels ( I love heels) So it was fun to dress up like we were dating again. Mike dressed nice and we went to The cheesecake factory and shared a key lime and mango cheesecake.. it was so fancy and delicious! It was fun trying something new other than chocolate.. (always my first choice). We then headed back to the Hotel and spent some much needed alone time together.. we actually got to cuddle in a bed without 3 little kids jumping in to join us. The next day, Mike and I walked around temple square and city creek mall, ate lunch at our favorite burger place in Utah. It was seriously such a special 24 hours. We had some serious bonding time, and I was reminded of what a blessing My husband is to me. He really is my everything! My very best friend! we left that day feeling stronger and more connected, which didn't feel possible, since we are big time love birds before this night anyways. Haha.. but it was a great reminder to rekindle and take time to focus on each other often.. we want to make sure we do at least once a week. To have a real focused on each other date night. That time together was really nice and special, and definitely something every marriage needs on a regular basis. Anyway, so all in all the trip was really nice, we did get the stomach flu though in the last 4 days of our trip.. not fun! but we are on the mend, getting to rest in our own comfy home. :) I'm just grateful for the time we got to spend and all the family time we had! I got to play with my siblings a lot! We even played night games like old times with our spouses. We went out a midnight to an elementary school field in Salem and played ultimate glow in the dark Frisbee and dodge ball. It was a blast! My family is so hilarious! It really was one the best memories ever! I just love my family! :) What a great trip!