Our little Family

Our little Family

Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's been a long time and due for a new update!

So it's pretty obvious that I am a terrible blogger.. I am trying to get better.

We are now hitting Christmas time and the kids are so excited! Well more like Grace..I think Mikie will be more so when he actually wakes up on Christmas morning to a delicious breakfast, candy and ofcourse toys. lol.

We are expecting baby number 3 which I am sure anyone reading this post is already aware of. As of today I am 25 weeks along and we are having a girl. We are so excited!! for a long time Grace has been telling us she has a sister and that she wanted her for her birthday...to our surprise Grace was right.
She has been a quiet baby but now we know her pattern of waking and kicking each day. She is already loved by her little family. Grace begs me everyday to go to the doctors and get her out. lol.

Mike has a new job closer to home. He no longer works for WCI which we couldn't be more grateful for! He got a job as an account manger at a mortgage company 2 min from our apt and they are training him to be a loan officer and they are helping him get his liscense. We are very excited about this new adventure for him. He loves his job!! :) and I love it too!! We get to see more of him!!

My goal is to post on here at least once a week.. so if you haven't heard from me..message me and say "hey turd! start blogging!" haha ;)

So new things going on.. Michael has now learned how to climb out of his crib and I hate it! We have been dealing with little to no naps and alot of bloody noses..hahaha. He has been a little booger to say the least but a very cute and cuddly one.

I have been really making a new effort to being more healthy in this pregnancy. I am generaly an avid exerciser and health concious eater but everytime I have a baby it's like I throw it out the window and just eat what I want when I want and never work out! So I decided to change that. I was at the Doctors last month and I hit the scale at 189!!! AWWW!! that was so scary to me. I should in no way weigh that much.. I don't think I look like I weigh 189 but it's a reality and I know I have fat sitting on my thighs and well every where else! I refuse to hit 200 being pregnant.. I just don't want to have a long and hard labor like I did with Michael and I want to feel great coming home with a new baby and a more busy life ahead of me. So I know better and have been acting on my knowledge of health and exercise and have not gained a pound since last month which means I have lost weight or fat since I am supposedly gainging 5 lbs of baby a month.

 I have been exercising everyday and eating more healthy at home and giving myself one meal a week to have whatever I want and whatever dessert I want..which hasn't been a temptation for me since all I crave is salty fatty foods. p.s after the first week it has been super easy and just became a way of life and now every week I have something to look forward to.. my yummy meal!!WOO HOO!! tomorrow night we are going to a kareoke bar to sing our hearts out with Mike's family and I will be ordering myself a juicy delicious hamburger and fries!! Can't wait!! :)

So I will be posting on here every week as well my results and what I have done so if anyone else wants motivation we can do it together. I personally LOVE reading other people's ideas and reslults for losing weight and being healthy. It' always motivates me and gets me excited about exercising. and if I can figure out how to use this blog I will post pics and videos and my recipes and meal plans..sound good! YAY I am excited!! :)

Well I guess you'll here from me soon! Love to all! :)

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