Our little Family

Our little Family

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hey everyone! Here is what we what we are up to these days.. I think it's been a couple weeks or so since my last post. I think I am starting to get better at this blogging thing?? lol!

We are working on our yard for our home that we bought in January. I LOVE our home.. it fits us perfectly! The yard has moss though. (figures.. we live in WA) So my super awesome brother in law has been spending majority of his vacation helping us landscape in trade for food. ;)
Mike and I are planting a garden with our favorite fruits and veggies. I am stoked!! but we'll see if I have a green thumb... If any of you have tips for a successful garden, PLEASE SHARE!!

Isn't Mike the most handsome man?? I think it's incredibly sexy to watch him working so hard in the yard! ;)

We also got a swing set for FREE!! seriously it is awesome and such a blessing! Gracie is amazing at tricks! She is super girl for sure! her body strength is nothing short of AMAZING!
Michael also was having so much fun jumping over the lines into the dirt! I found it really funny!
Did I mention my husband is a chef? Yep! his special is "Christmas cheese crackers!" lol!! His philosophy is if you say Christmas in front of the food, it sounds better and the kids are more likely to eat it.. and he is right! hahaha

We also bought a kiddie pool for the kids, since we are having such amazing warm weather.

Ya... we let them skinny dip. We are those parents.. lol!
Seriously though... that behind!! she is sooooo cute!!!

Can you see all that moss?? we have so much work ahead of us! but we are excited for beautiful lush grass in the end.

The only down side is all the dirt the kids track in constantly!! I sweep our floors about at least 4 times a day!

Also a new update is I have gotten my chubby butt to work! I have successfully worked out and ate healthy in my calorie range for almost 2 weeks now! I am down 7 lbs!!
I need to take my before pictures before you can't see a difference in my body shape when I take my after's.
I have been working out every morning to Jillian Michael's 6 week 6 pack. Which is not just ab work.. it's full body and it is hard! I get sooo sweaty and fatigued fast! I really like it though.
This week I have been adding more cardio every other night. I do sport drills and dance drills from an old prenatal video I have that is also no joke!

I am really excited to get back in shape! For so long I start and then I fall off the wagon because of life and I didn't make it a priority. I just decided that this needs to be like brushing my teeth. it needs to be done every day and by every day I mean 5-6 days a week.

It's weird because when I see myself, I still see the skinny, in shape and athletic Camilla looking back at me.. because I know she is in there. but then I see myself naked or I put on clothes and they don't look as good as I would like them to.. and to be honest it holds me back from wanting to be naked and that really poses a problem for the bedroom.. ;) I firmly believe that intimacy regularly between a husband and wife is important for nurturing your relationship and connecting. Sorry this subject may seem too much for a family blog? hahaha
I am actually really private about intimacy.. I joke with people, that as far as my parents know or anyone else.. I am a virgin. lol  obviously not! but I don't like to share what happens there just because it's something special between Mike and I. Not that I judge if you like to share.. I just personally feel our intimate life to be more private. but I'm not a prude.. I can joke. lol
So how this relates to fitness is that intimacy is my biggest motivator for getting back in great shape. I want to look nice not just in clothes. hahaha now I am feeling embarrassed I shared even this!! lol

Mike has also been working out hard! but his motivation for being in shape isn't the same as mine as much.. it's basketball! or sports in general. He doesn't want to be the old man out of shape before age 30.. which he hits in November. So far he has lost almost 25lbs!! I think he is looking awesome! I am so proud of him!
I want him to be healthy so that he stays around to grow old with me. ;)

Anyway, that is kind of it for now.. I guess. I'll have to get more pictures up and one's with me in them.. I tend to be the one taking the pictures. ;) I also will have to share some of my delicious healthy recipe creations that we have been making since we decided to be all healthy! don't get me wrong though.. I definitely still miss my comfort foods! ;)

For now though, hope you all have a great weekend!!

Your Friend, Camilla :)

Just a little extra to make you laugh! hahaha Poor kid!

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