Our little Family

Our little Family

Friday, December 12, 2014

Eternal Perspective

Today I got really sad news that a friend of mine, a girl who was in my Sunday school class from church when we were ages 15-18, is dying with terminal cancer. I'm always sad when I hear news of someone suffering from an illness that is serious like cancer and especially when it's terminal.. but this one had me in tears all day. My heart is aching for her and her little family. She has been married to her husband just a short 6 years and has two adorable kiddlins, a 4 year old girl and a two year old boy. I just can't even imagine what is going through her mind and it just makes me cry for her. She doesn't have very long, probably 2-3 months they say.. so if whoever reads this will pray earnestly for her and her family, I would be so grateful.

It's weird to have an old friend, someone your age only 27, dying. It puts your whole existence into perspective. You start to think of your own mortality. What am I doing everyday that is helping me improve, what am I learning?, how am I growing?, what kind of mark will I leave behind if I go now?

Today was the perfect day for those thoughts to flow through my mind, because My kids were H.E Double hockey sticks today, just pure terror.. destroying our beautifully freshly cleaned home. Today was just plain crazy, but I am reminded through my old friend that I need to take advantage of every minute I am here on earth.

I am so grateful for the gospel and the knowledge we are given that life doesn't end just here on earth, that we live forever and not alone, but with our loved ones. I am sealed to my husband for eternity and our little ones as well. So if anything were to happen, I know we will be together again soon. This life on earth is just a blimp in the eternal life we will live.. so what am I doing today to take advantage of growth here on earth. It's certainly not surfing the internet and spending loads of time on FB or Pinterest. Definitely no growth from watching T.V. When I think of my mortal life, I think of why our Heavenly Father sent us here... and I feel like I waste a lot of precious time. That is changing now. I want to grow more, serve more, and live life more better. I'm definitely going to spend less time on FB and more time reading scriptures, less time on other pointless things and make more fun memories with my kids and time serving others rather than serve myself. These are my new goals. I don't want to look back with regrets. Someday when I look my Father in Heaven in the eyes, I don't want to feel ashamed. I want to be able to honestly say, I've done the best I can possibly do. I am just so grateful for that peace and knowledge the gospel of Jesus Christ brings. It still doesn't take all sting of pain away when you loose someone you love, but it helps bring peace and comfort.  I am still praying for a miracle, if that is the lord's will for my old friend, but most of all comfort and peace on her and her little family. I haven't seen her in about 9 years (that's what I love about FB) ;) but I am certain, knowing who she was 9 years ago, she hasn't wasted time, and that she will leave a beautiful and positive mark on this world and in the lives she was apart of. My love and prayers go to you Bonnie, if you ever see this. Wish I could give you the biggest hug!

Love, Camilla

Monday, December 1, 2014


So we just celebrated Thanksgiving, and it was fun! Even though I miss my family and the traditions I grew up with, I love celebrating with Mike's family. Every year we squeeze our huge group into Mike's parents cute little cabin. It's a potluck, so everyone brings something to add to the thanksgiving feast. Mike's Mom and sister's are great cook's so the food is delicious. I have been staying away from sugar these days... but that went all out the window when I saw my sister in law's Chocolate silk pie... seriously the best I've ever had!!!! She makes the best buttery, sweet and salty graham cracker crust and the richest creamiest chocolate silk... it aint no boxed chocolate pudding.. it's genuine real good deliciousness... and it was worth the splurge for me. ;)

After dinner, we play our annual Pictionary game.. boys against girls style. Mike's parents have a huge white board wall in their home, so we use that to draw pictures. It's a blast! lots of laughter and silliness.. and the girls dominated this year! last year we got beat.. so this victory was awesome!

After the game we went down to my Sister in law's house (Mike's parents and Sister live on the same property.. 5 acres) It's where we go for pretty much all the big festivities. So we went to her house to watch the Sea Hawks game against the 49er's. Where we all snacked some more.

I married into a pretty awesome family, and I am thankful for them. I very thankful for all the people in my life and to be surrounded and loved by such a huge family between the two of us. We are very blessed.

As I contemplate what I am grateful for, I have a huge list that comes to mind. When It comes to blessings and thanking my father in heaven for them, my list could go on, when I say my prayers at night by myself, I feel like that is pretty much my prayer. I remember my dad teaching us when we were little, to thank heavenly father for 15 things before asking him for a single blessing. That really stuck with me. It's really important to me that my Father in Heaven knows how grateful I am for every single thing, every single lesson and experience, and every single person who is in my life, has been in my life, or who has walked into my life. I see those people has tender mercies from the lord, they taught me a lot and made me feel loved and special and the people in my life continue to do just that. I am reminded daily of who I am and who is my Father always watching over me and he always has my back. So if I had to write down every blessing, you would be here a while. My greatest blessings are my little family, although there are moments when it's hard to feel that.. haha ;) They are. I feel blessed and I don't take for granted that I have gotten to carry my babies healthfully and haven't had major complications. So when I look at my little one's, I do see 3 little miracles. I am grateful for the silliness they bring... for instance, Michael told us yesterday that there was a boy in nursery (at church) who tried to kick him.. and if that boy had kicked him, he would die and turn into a zombie.. and he was serious.. He even started cry when we laughed. He screamed out "IT"S NOT FUNNY!!!" it was very funny. ;) But the little things they come up with make us laugh to the point of tears. Grace last week told us, that her orange toy unicorn's name is "Horney" ... do I even need to explain why that was sooo funny. I was seriously and quite literally crying, from laughing so hard. She was really confused as to why we were laughing so hard.. but it was too hard to keep in. I really wanted to start making some jokes about "horney the unicorn" but that would be terribly inappropriate. lol ;)

Anyway, Last but not least My husband. We have been through so much together, and he is my rock and my best friend. He is so patient and loving with all of us, and so kind hearted and so genuine. I'm serious and totally not biased when I say, he is one of the closest examples to me when it comes to having attributes just like the Savior. That was what really impressed me about him before we started dating and was the most attractive quality about him. It just comes natural to him, it's who he is deep in his soul, and it's so humbling to be around him. I often wonder, who was this man before we came to this earth? He has been my example of pure love for others, and he has made me better as a person. I am so grateful that I have a honorable partner who strives to go places and to serve the lord as much as I do. I guess I should say, that I am grateful the we are equally yoaked. We desire the same righteous desires and want to put God first in our lives. So I am blessed that our marriage has been very peaceful and sweet because of those desires.

So that is some of what I am most grateful for.. I really hope you all feel blessed and had a great thanksgiving! :)