Our little Family

Our little Family

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Getting up to date..

So it's almost been a month since my last post.. I really wish I was better at this thing. ;)
It's been birthday month in our home. Grace turned 6 on October 24th, Mike turned 30 on November 6th, and I just turned 27 on the 21st.

So for Gracie's birthday I threw her first friend party. We did a princess pizza party. It was a blast! I made home made pizza, all the girls dressed in their prettiest princess gowns, and we played some fun games. My home has never been so noisy and crazy but Grace had a blast! and I had so much fun with my good friend who came to help and my niece in law (who is more of a sister to me). Seriously couldn't have made it through without them! hahaha ;)

 We picked Gracie up from school, when she saw us, she ran, it was pretty cute! It was a nice surprise for her. :) I had also made some yummy sprinkle cupcakes with pink frosting for her class.

 Here we are singing to the birthday girl :)

 Super excited about all the presents she got from her bestest friends. :)

 The kids played a donut eating game.. it was pretty much a tie since their little bellies couldn't handle all the sugar from after eating cake, but it was fun and we all had a good laugh.

Here is my niece jumping for the donut! It was sooo funny!
 And this lady who pulled the party all off.. super tired and ready to soak in a hot bath afterwards. I see this picture and am amazed how losing 10lbs makes a huge difference in my face. This was 10lbs ago! I've lost nearly 20 since September. I still have some lbs to lose but it's nice knowing I'll never look that round again! ;)

After the friend party, we held a family party with all of Mike's family out here.

 Here is Michael and his cousin playing the ninja turtle video game on the Nintendo DS (we're old school)
 The beautiful birthday girl!

 My niece and her Finance.. she is more like a sister to me as well. Since we are only a day apart. ;)

 Grandma and Grandpa "chickens" They got her a Barbie makeup kit, and she loves it!

 Gracie and her ne Jasmine dress that her Aunt and two cousins got her.
 Giving her Aunt a big hug

 Gracie doing her Cousin's makeup.. although we call her auntie as well. These girls my age, so they feel more like sisters. :)

 She is so sweet to Grace and so patient. She'll make a great mommy some day, whenever that happens! ;)

Here are pics from Mike's birthday. We did something more laid back since mike was sick on his birthday. I made one of his favorite meals (Danish tacos) it's pretty much Navajo tacos. It was really good.. actually it was Navajo  tacos since I didn't do the dough right to make them Danish. For his cake he loves PB and Cheesecake, so I made a PB cheesecake brownies, with Reece's PB cups.

 Michael helping blow out the candles, except Mike brought the candle to him, since Michael tends to spit when he blows. haha

 Mike with this special lady who brought him into this world. :)

Other things that have been going on.. My dear friend Sister Goble (the blonde) got transferred, she only had a few weeks left anyways, but I miss her. She was a sister to me.. no pun intended. I am looking forward to visiting her when I go to Utah to see my family.

We also celebrated Halloween, Mike and I were rain clouds. We dressed in grey and wore white fluff around us and had little bitty water guns in our pockets and whenever someone asked us what we were, we would squirt them with water and tell them we were "rain clouds." It was a lot of fun, but here is Mike dressed in his sister's costume as Elvis, It fitted him a little better around the head then it did his sister and we had a big laugh over that.. here is the two compared.

 Pretty funny!!
 Mike and Abigail getting ready for trick or treating in our neighborhood.

 the kids and their friends, I blacked out some of the faces, since I am not sure if their parents want their kids faces put on my blog. but they were all making silly faces. :)

Anyways we had a busy month. Lot's of birthdays and holiday's to celebrate and more coming up. We celebrated my birthday this week. I didn't get pictures since I am the "photographer" in this house. But we had fun! Mike's boss is the best and as a birthday gift to me, let Mike off work early to celebrate with me. He also surprised me and took me out to dinner with two of our good old friends at Red Robin. It was a nice surprise and we had sooo much fun! We had fun reminiscing and laughing. Mike's sister watched our kids, and so when we went to pick them up we had cheesecake and they sang and I blew out my candles. We had some good conversation and then we went home. Mike and I put the kids down to bed and when we were headed to bed ourselves, I climbed in bed, he went downstairs and came back up a few min later with a present for me. I was really surprised! I opened it up, there was a pair of gloves, and a body scrubber for the shower.. I guess the kids picked those out.. but his gift was a certificate with different options for dance lessons. I have been wanting to learn how to ballroom dance. So he got us lessons and I get to choose the one's I want...but it's not just a one time thing, we are going once a week and learning until we are awesome at it. I am sooooo excited!! I love dancing and it's been a dream of mine to be able to be a pro at it. :) So that will be our date night's for a while. So this week we are going to go get me dance shoes, since this is big time.. haha. I felt so special because I also got two sweaters.. anyone who knows me well, knows that one of my favorite things are sweater. I love cozy pretty things to lounge in and keep me warm... but my favorite kind are a light pink or a light rosy pink and I love ivory. My style is very classic and romantic. So I was just stoked over those! so dance lessons on top of all that, was so nice.  I feel so grateful for all the people in my life who make me feel special and loved. I am surrounded by awesome people, our families are a big part of that!

Anyway, till next time! :)

Love, Camilla

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