Our little Family

Our little Family

Friday, December 12, 2014

Eternal Perspective

Today I got really sad news that a friend of mine, a girl who was in my Sunday school class from church when we were ages 15-18, is dying with terminal cancer. I'm always sad when I hear news of someone suffering from an illness that is serious like cancer and especially when it's terminal.. but this one had me in tears all day. My heart is aching for her and her little family. She has been married to her husband just a short 6 years and has two adorable kiddlins, a 4 year old girl and a two year old boy. I just can't even imagine what is going through her mind and it just makes me cry for her. She doesn't have very long, probably 2-3 months they say.. so if whoever reads this will pray earnestly for her and her family, I would be so grateful.

It's weird to have an old friend, someone your age only 27, dying. It puts your whole existence into perspective. You start to think of your own mortality. What am I doing everyday that is helping me improve, what am I learning?, how am I growing?, what kind of mark will I leave behind if I go now?

Today was the perfect day for those thoughts to flow through my mind, because My kids were H.E Double hockey sticks today, just pure terror.. destroying our beautifully freshly cleaned home. Today was just plain crazy, but I am reminded through my old friend that I need to take advantage of every minute I am here on earth.

I am so grateful for the gospel and the knowledge we are given that life doesn't end just here on earth, that we live forever and not alone, but with our loved ones. I am sealed to my husband for eternity and our little ones as well. So if anything were to happen, I know we will be together again soon. This life on earth is just a blimp in the eternal life we will live.. so what am I doing today to take advantage of growth here on earth. It's certainly not surfing the internet and spending loads of time on FB or Pinterest. Definitely no growth from watching T.V. When I think of my mortal life, I think of why our Heavenly Father sent us here... and I feel like I waste a lot of precious time. That is changing now. I want to grow more, serve more, and live life more better. I'm definitely going to spend less time on FB and more time reading scriptures, less time on other pointless things and make more fun memories with my kids and time serving others rather than serve myself. These are my new goals. I don't want to look back with regrets. Someday when I look my Father in Heaven in the eyes, I don't want to feel ashamed. I want to be able to honestly say, I've done the best I can possibly do. I am just so grateful for that peace and knowledge the gospel of Jesus Christ brings. It still doesn't take all sting of pain away when you loose someone you love, but it helps bring peace and comfort.  I am still praying for a miracle, if that is the lord's will for my old friend, but most of all comfort and peace on her and her little family. I haven't seen her in about 9 years (that's what I love about FB) ;) but I am certain, knowing who she was 9 years ago, she hasn't wasted time, and that she will leave a beautiful and positive mark on this world and in the lives she was apart of. My love and prayers go to you Bonnie, if you ever see this. Wish I could give you the biggest hug!

Love, Camilla

Monday, December 1, 2014


So we just celebrated Thanksgiving, and it was fun! Even though I miss my family and the traditions I grew up with, I love celebrating with Mike's family. Every year we squeeze our huge group into Mike's parents cute little cabin. It's a potluck, so everyone brings something to add to the thanksgiving feast. Mike's Mom and sister's are great cook's so the food is delicious. I have been staying away from sugar these days... but that went all out the window when I saw my sister in law's Chocolate silk pie... seriously the best I've ever had!!!! She makes the best buttery, sweet and salty graham cracker crust and the richest creamiest chocolate silk... it aint no boxed chocolate pudding.. it's genuine real good deliciousness... and it was worth the splurge for me. ;)

After dinner, we play our annual Pictionary game.. boys against girls style. Mike's parents have a huge white board wall in their home, so we use that to draw pictures. It's a blast! lots of laughter and silliness.. and the girls dominated this year! last year we got beat.. so this victory was awesome!

After the game we went down to my Sister in law's house (Mike's parents and Sister live on the same property.. 5 acres) It's where we go for pretty much all the big festivities. So we went to her house to watch the Sea Hawks game against the 49er's. Where we all snacked some more.

I married into a pretty awesome family, and I am thankful for them. I very thankful for all the people in my life and to be surrounded and loved by such a huge family between the two of us. We are very blessed.

As I contemplate what I am grateful for, I have a huge list that comes to mind. When It comes to blessings and thanking my father in heaven for them, my list could go on, when I say my prayers at night by myself, I feel like that is pretty much my prayer. I remember my dad teaching us when we were little, to thank heavenly father for 15 things before asking him for a single blessing. That really stuck with me. It's really important to me that my Father in Heaven knows how grateful I am for every single thing, every single lesson and experience, and every single person who is in my life, has been in my life, or who has walked into my life. I see those people has tender mercies from the lord, they taught me a lot and made me feel loved and special and the people in my life continue to do just that. I am reminded daily of who I am and who is my Father always watching over me and he always has my back. So if I had to write down every blessing, you would be here a while. My greatest blessings are my little family, although there are moments when it's hard to feel that.. haha ;) They are. I feel blessed and I don't take for granted that I have gotten to carry my babies healthfully and haven't had major complications. So when I look at my little one's, I do see 3 little miracles. I am grateful for the silliness they bring... for instance, Michael told us yesterday that there was a boy in nursery (at church) who tried to kick him.. and if that boy had kicked him, he would die and turn into a zombie.. and he was serious.. He even started cry when we laughed. He screamed out "IT"S NOT FUNNY!!!" it was very funny. ;) But the little things they come up with make us laugh to the point of tears. Grace last week told us, that her orange toy unicorn's name is "Horney" ... do I even need to explain why that was sooo funny. I was seriously and quite literally crying, from laughing so hard. She was really confused as to why we were laughing so hard.. but it was too hard to keep in. I really wanted to start making some jokes about "horney the unicorn" but that would be terribly inappropriate. lol ;)

Anyway, Last but not least My husband. We have been through so much together, and he is my rock and my best friend. He is so patient and loving with all of us, and so kind hearted and so genuine. I'm serious and totally not biased when I say, he is one of the closest examples to me when it comes to having attributes just like the Savior. That was what really impressed me about him before we started dating and was the most attractive quality about him. It just comes natural to him, it's who he is deep in his soul, and it's so humbling to be around him. I often wonder, who was this man before we came to this earth? He has been my example of pure love for others, and he has made me better as a person. I am so grateful that I have a honorable partner who strives to go places and to serve the lord as much as I do. I guess I should say, that I am grateful the we are equally yoaked. We desire the same righteous desires and want to put God first in our lives. So I am blessed that our marriage has been very peaceful and sweet because of those desires.

So that is some of what I am most grateful for.. I really hope you all feel blessed and had a great thanksgiving! :)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Getting up to date..

So it's almost been a month since my last post.. I really wish I was better at this thing. ;)
It's been birthday month in our home. Grace turned 6 on October 24th, Mike turned 30 on November 6th, and I just turned 27 on the 21st.

So for Gracie's birthday I threw her first friend party. We did a princess pizza party. It was a blast! I made home made pizza, all the girls dressed in their prettiest princess gowns, and we played some fun games. My home has never been so noisy and crazy but Grace had a blast! and I had so much fun with my good friend who came to help and my niece in law (who is more of a sister to me). Seriously couldn't have made it through without them! hahaha ;)

 We picked Gracie up from school, when she saw us, she ran, it was pretty cute! It was a nice surprise for her. :) I had also made some yummy sprinkle cupcakes with pink frosting for her class.

 Here we are singing to the birthday girl :)

 Super excited about all the presents she got from her bestest friends. :)

 The kids played a donut eating game.. it was pretty much a tie since their little bellies couldn't handle all the sugar from after eating cake, but it was fun and we all had a good laugh.

Here is my niece jumping for the donut! It was sooo funny!
 And this lady who pulled the party all off.. super tired and ready to soak in a hot bath afterwards. I see this picture and am amazed how losing 10lbs makes a huge difference in my face. This was 10lbs ago! I've lost nearly 20 since September. I still have some lbs to lose but it's nice knowing I'll never look that round again! ;)

After the friend party, we held a family party with all of Mike's family out here.

 Here is Michael and his cousin playing the ninja turtle video game on the Nintendo DS (we're old school)
 The beautiful birthday girl!

 My niece and her Finance.. she is more like a sister to me as well. Since we are only a day apart. ;)

 Grandma and Grandpa "chickens" They got her a Barbie makeup kit, and she loves it!

 Gracie and her ne Jasmine dress that her Aunt and two cousins got her.
 Giving her Aunt a big hug

 Gracie doing her Cousin's makeup.. although we call her auntie as well. These girls my age, so they feel more like sisters. :)

 She is so sweet to Grace and so patient. She'll make a great mommy some day, whenever that happens! ;)

Here are pics from Mike's birthday. We did something more laid back since mike was sick on his birthday. I made one of his favorite meals (Danish tacos) it's pretty much Navajo tacos. It was really good.. actually it was Navajo  tacos since I didn't do the dough right to make them Danish. For his cake he loves PB and Cheesecake, so I made a PB cheesecake brownies, with Reece's PB cups.

 Michael helping blow out the candles, except Mike brought the candle to him, since Michael tends to spit when he blows. haha

 Mike with this special lady who brought him into this world. :)

Other things that have been going on.. My dear friend Sister Goble (the blonde) got transferred, she only had a few weeks left anyways, but I miss her. She was a sister to me.. no pun intended. I am looking forward to visiting her when I go to Utah to see my family.

We also celebrated Halloween, Mike and I were rain clouds. We dressed in grey and wore white fluff around us and had little bitty water guns in our pockets and whenever someone asked us what we were, we would squirt them with water and tell them we were "rain clouds." It was a lot of fun, but here is Mike dressed in his sister's costume as Elvis, It fitted him a little better around the head then it did his sister and we had a big laugh over that.. here is the two compared.

 Pretty funny!!
 Mike and Abigail getting ready for trick or treating in our neighborhood.

 the kids and their friends, I blacked out some of the faces, since I am not sure if their parents want their kids faces put on my blog. but they were all making silly faces. :)

Anyways we had a busy month. Lot's of birthdays and holiday's to celebrate and more coming up. We celebrated my birthday this week. I didn't get pictures since I am the "photographer" in this house. But we had fun! Mike's boss is the best and as a birthday gift to me, let Mike off work early to celebrate with me. He also surprised me and took me out to dinner with two of our good old friends at Red Robin. It was a nice surprise and we had sooo much fun! We had fun reminiscing and laughing. Mike's sister watched our kids, and so when we went to pick them up we had cheesecake and they sang and I blew out my candles. We had some good conversation and then we went home. Mike and I put the kids down to bed and when we were headed to bed ourselves, I climbed in bed, he went downstairs and came back up a few min later with a present for me. I was really surprised! I opened it up, there was a pair of gloves, and a body scrubber for the shower.. I guess the kids picked those out.. but his gift was a certificate with different options for dance lessons. I have been wanting to learn how to ballroom dance. So he got us lessons and I get to choose the one's I want...but it's not just a one time thing, we are going once a week and learning until we are awesome at it. I am sooooo excited!! I love dancing and it's been a dream of mine to be able to be a pro at it. :) So that will be our date night's for a while. So this week we are going to go get me dance shoes, since this is big time.. haha. I felt so special because I also got two sweaters.. anyone who knows me well, knows that one of my favorite things are sweater. I love cozy pretty things to lounge in and keep me warm... but my favorite kind are a light pink or a light rosy pink and I love ivory. My style is very classic and romantic. So I was just stoked over those! so dance lessons on top of all that, was so nice.  I feel so grateful for all the people in my life who make me feel special and loved. I am surrounded by awesome people, our families are a big part of that!

Anyway, till next time! :)

Love, Camilla

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Reminder to me..

I thought I better jot this down before the feeling quickly spirals down. After all parenting is just like a roller coaster.. you have your high's, and then you have your low's. ;)

I am grateful for my kids and to be a mom today! :) I woke up to Mike giving me a kiss and soon little Gracie kissing me too, telling me it was time to wake up and get ready for school... I had about 15 min to get her ready!! I was panicked!! I threw on my yoga pants and an over sized sweater and ran to Gracie's room, grabbed an outfit, then I ran downstairs quickly made her a PB and honey sandwich (her favorite) threw that in her lunch box with crackers and a water bottle. I can never put apple slices or carrots in her lunch because she won't eat it!! She barely even eats all her sandwich! that girl is all play and no eat. When she comes home, I have her sit down and eat the rest of her lunch while she does any school work the teacher sent home.. most day's there isn't. Mike had already fed her breakfast, so I quickly put her hair in a pony tail, put on her coat, and ran out the door! We barely made it! My favorite thing though, is when the bus pulls up and she is walking towards the door, she yells "I LOVE YOU MOM!!" and blow's a kiss. I was in this rushed feeling this morning and it had me feeling grumpy inside, but that sweet little girl reminded me of what really matters, and that is her and the relationship we are building. I don't want my kids to have more memories of me rushed and grumpy vs giving my full attention to them and being happy, even if we are running late. Worst case, I could've driven her and she would have still made it on time.

When I came home, Mike tells me how beautiful I look ( bed head and all!) haha ( think he forgot his contacts) and gives me a kiss. Another nice reminder of how blessed I am, unknown to him, I really needed that, I get so hard on myself and I don't see what he see's. Even though I know who I am, a daughter of God, there are moments when I am hard on myself and it's hard to see what other's do. There are day's when all I can see is everything I am doing wrong. Mike is one who loves to remind me of what I am not seeing.. he's biased, but I am lucky and so happy that he does see it. ;) Because he could be just be seeing Zombie Mommy and be totally justified in it. haha

After he leaves, the house is quiet, Michael and Abigail are still sleeping!! MIRACLE!! and so I lay down and rest for a sec..seriously.. a second and Michael comes to join me. We cuddle for a bit and then I hear Abigail through the monitor.. "mama.. mama..mama.." I just love the way she say's my name. It's so cute! She does it in her soft little 1 year old tone... unless she's mad.. then she is yelling in a raspy, bossy tone. haha.. So I go get her and she squeals when she see's Michael and Sunny. She gives them hugs and then she comes back to give  me a hug and a kiss. She hears her daddy doing his special whistle that he does for the kids, and she squeals again and goes running to find him. They exchange a hug and a kiss and then she is back down running to go play. Mike has to leave for work, gives me another kiss and is out the door.

That is how most mornings go, and you just get use to it and take it for granted and see nothing that special about it.. but today I reflected and woke up and saw how blessed I am. Everyday is special like this and I have sweet children who call me "mama" and a husband who calls me "sweetheart" and most days are crazy but if I had to choose a dream job, right now I think this would be it. I need to remind myself of that.. and probably as soon as this afternoon. ;)

I use to say when I was younger, that if I could be anything when I grew up, it would be a mom. It's not as glamorous as I thought it would be.. it's hard some days, it's tiring, and it never ends.. but taking that moment to look at these little one's that Heavenly Father sends for you to watch over is a huge blessing and the greatest task in the world. I get paid with slobbery kisses and messy, sticky hugs, stains on my cutest clothes, hysterical crying when I leave, eye's lit up when I walk in the door, and little voice's calling me mama and mommy.

Note to self, when I am having a bad moment, when the kids are grumpy, whiny, fighting, and screaming.. put them in their rooms and come re-read this post so I can remind myself they are actually angels too.... most, I mean some, err.. at  least half of the time! :/ haha..

Saturday, October 25, 2014

6 Years!!!

Gracie turned 6 years old today! 6 years? How does time fly so fast? 2 more years and Gracie will be at an age to choose baptism, 6 more years and she will be 12, going into Young Womens.. which is a huge milestone in our church.. both of them are.. and she is almost there. I just can't believe it.

6 years ago today Mike and I were in the hospital holding our sweet tiny baby girl, and just staring at her all night long.. Thinking what a year it had been and what a surprise she was and what a gift she was now.. Grace, God's gift.

She came super quick!! Just FYI some of this might seem TMI.. ;) I want to tell her birth story.. it's not super long, because she came quick! hahaha
On October 14th I lost my plug and thought I was going into labor 2 weeks early! She wasn't due until Halloween day.. haha but I made it until the 23rd and I had a doctor's appointment that day. My doctor had swiped the membranes and said if I was ready for labor, it would happen. As soon as I left the doctor's I felt funny and felt new sensations and was a little worried for what labor would bring. It was a Thursday and that evening Mike and I went golfing with his dad.. well they golfed.. I road in the cart and Mike's dad kept trying to go over bumps..to push me into labor.. it was funny. Nothing happened.. just irregular and sporadic contractions. We ordered Teriyaki from our favorite place, enjoyed dinner with his parents and we played rummikub while my mother in law timed my contractions. They were painful but not regular, so Mike and I went home. We decided to have a slumber party in the living room. We brought out an air mattress and watched the first season of 24 all night long I had contractions the whole time and I felt these weird sensations that felt like as if Grace was scratching her way out, and I remember the last one of those hurt to the point that I let out a jump like scream. It was shocking and it came out of no where!

The next morning Mike had work and since I wasn't contracting regularly he was going to go in. We had our morning prayer together and during the prayer we both had a feeling that he needed to stay home. I didn't see why, because  labor didn't seem to be coming at any time soon.. but I had never been in labor before and didn't know what to expect.
Contraction's started getting really painful but not close enough together to take me to the hospital so I stayed put like the nurses told me to.. plus my water hadn't broken yet. By the time 10:30 am rolled around, I was in tears.. it was soooo painful. I had back labor and it felt like my back was breaking slowly. I can remember the only relief I got was hanging behind the back of our couch and squatting behind it and rolling my hips around... or taking numerous hot bath's. I even put a tennis ball between my back and the wall and rolled around to massage my back with all the force I had. At 11:00 am Mike called the Hospital to ask question's cause he was obviously worried about me and they said not to come in until contraction's have hit 3-5 min apart for 1 hour. Mine were more like 5 min here, 10 min there, 2 min here, 8 min there.. etc.. so we stayed put and I felt so discouraged. So I said a prayer and asked that if this was it.. which I was sure it was, that I my body would regulate the contractions so we could check in... and as soon and I said "amen" BOOM BAM, the contraction's came 3 min apart for 1 hour straight!

Funny side note.. during the window of time, the cable man came by to install our cable.. when he walked in, he saw quite the site! (I was clothed!!) don't worry but I was on my hands and knees swaying my hips around moaning and crying.. He said to Mike, you need to get that women to a hospital!! FAST!! haha
He hurried and installed the cable and we had made it 3 min apart for 1 hour just as he finished. SO we booked it out to the car fast! but as we got out there, I suddenly felt like I had to go number two.. but I couldn't.. and then I felt the head baring down and contractions were seriously like 30 sec apart! The hospital drive was at least 30 min from where we were living.. with traffic.. it was the middle of the day and there was a TON of traffic! and I swear we hit every red light! I was panicking! I couldn't even sit! I was holding my bum off the seat.. it felt impossible to sit down.

Once we got to the hospital, it took me a while to get it in there because every 30 sec came a new contraction and every one just kept getting stronger and longer and more painful. So I had to stop and get on all fours on the ground and breathe. Luckily a worker saw me and came running out with a wheel chair and helped me get in there quick! again, was holding my bum off the seat and just crying and breathing.. probably just like you see in the movies.. except I am not that dramatic.. I was actually pretty sweet to the nurses.. haha (I know this cause they told me what a sweet heart I was and thanked me for not yelling at them later after giving birth) lol.. but anyway.. I got checked in and they took me into the delivery room and asked me to undress and pee into a cup.. I couldn't pee.. I started to cry and told the nurse that I couldn't do it.. she told me that I was being too dramatic and to try again.. she also said that I wasn't really in labor but probably false labor since my water hadn't broken. I stood my ground and told her I really couldn't pee.. I was afraid Grace's head would come out!  So the nurse gave in and told me to go lay on the bed and she would check and see how far dilated I was. Meanwhile this is taking a while and was almost impossible to do because of what my body was going through at the moment... and any one who has given birth naturally and has felt all the stages of labor would totally understand.. it is not over exaggerated at all.. and you can't even put it into words!
Anyway.. She checked and to her surprise she see's that I am fully dilated and effaced and the head was crowning! She just started yelling for help and for a doctor. She looked at me and said "honey, you need to not push and just hold her in." I said, "okay?" and from that point forward I felt like I was having a seizure because I was being forced to lay down on my back.. which is totally uncomfortable.. and lay still while they put needles in my arm and wrist. I remember looking up at Mike and trying to breathe.. which he was doing with me.. it was so sweet.. when looking back! haha. I also remember looking down at my legs and seeing them shake really wildly as I was trying to hold myself still and trying to breathe.

Some nurses came in with papers and wanted me to sign them and then asked me if I wanted an epidural..!!?? What!!?? I just said, I don't have time!! and then it hit me!! I was going to feel everything.. and I just got sick to my stomach! Right then my sweet amazing Doctor came running in! literally!! She was out for a run when she got the page and she came running in to the room in her workout gear!  It was sooo funny! She put the scrubs on and helped get me into position and told me to push when I felt ready, and boy was I ready! ;) When I was pushing, which was really short lived.. in my adrenaline rush, I yelled out, "I FEEL THE RING OF FIRE!!!" hahahaha, My doctor and I still laugh about that when we see each other. In my defense, Mike and I had taken a Lamaze class and I thought the "ring of fire" was a medical term when reaching a certain point during delivery where everything down south is stretching and the baby's head is squeezing out.. TMI? :/ anyways I felt that happening and I yelled it out for everyone to hear! hahaha, too funny!

With 3 quick pushes,  tiny little Grace made it into my arms. I was in sooo much shock! I looked over at mike and he was teary and slightly crying.. while I just looked at her with unbelief of what just happened? It was amazing!

We were sooo in love and even more in love now! I can't believe that was 6 years ago, when it feels like yesterday!
Grace is so full of life! She is sooo funny and she is a born leader. She can walk up to anyone and give them instructions and invite them to play without hesitating or feeling scared. She is take charge kind of girl. She isn't shy at all. But at the same time she is very sweet and thoughtful of other's. She doesn't have a loud voice and she doesn't always speak up. She'll just smile and play along. She is very balanced. She is beautiful and delicate. She has delicate features and a tiny body but  a strong spirit to accompany it. She is a super fast runner!! Really it's incredible! She is a great gymnast and she loves to do flips, jumps, and spins! She is fearless! She loves to sing and she loves to dance, without any training, she really is incredible! and we are so proud of her and her many talents. She loves people and she is great at showing it. She is a great friend, and a loving sister to her siblings and a great example to me on how to show love and patience and selflessness. She has always had a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. We have taught her about them and the teachings of the gospel.. but she feels it's truthfulness and she responds to it strongly. I know that she has a testimony and I know she has had it all along and that was something she was blessed with. She may be tiny in body but she is a giant in spirit among all others. Her spirit radiates in her countenance. I just love her sooo much! She is our Gracie Girl.

Today she had a princess pizza party. She got to invite a few (girl) friends to enjoy home made pizza, games and some girly stuff. They dressed in their finest princess dresses too. She had a blast and now is all tuckered out sleeping on a big air mattress with her best friend, Shi, and her cousin Peyton.
It was a long day! for me especially.. but it was sooo worth it, to see our little girl beam from ear to ear tonight. I took pictures and will post those later but I am ready for a spa day right now.. I need my feet rubbed and I need a nice hot bubble bath.

So anyway, I am headed to bed but I will leave you with this picture of me and sweet baby girl that my husband took. It captures her sweet spirit completely. :)  Warning the picture isn't at it's finest quality on the blog.. I'm a little lazy and tired right now to fix it.. so this will have to do. ;) but I love this picture because it capture's the eternal bond we have, not just here on earth but forever in eternity. We chose each other, we are friends, we are sister's and she chose me as her mother on earth. This pictures say's it all to me. Our Souls are connected deeply.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hey everyone! Here is what we what we are up to these days.. I think it's been a couple weeks or so since my last post. I think I am starting to get better at this blogging thing?? lol!

We are working on our yard for our home that we bought in January. I LOVE our home.. it fits us perfectly! The yard has moss though. (figures.. we live in WA) So my super awesome brother in law has been spending majority of his vacation helping us landscape in trade for food. ;)
Mike and I are planting a garden with our favorite fruits and veggies. I am stoked!! but we'll see if I have a green thumb... If any of you have tips for a successful garden, PLEASE SHARE!!

Isn't Mike the most handsome man?? I think it's incredibly sexy to watch him working so hard in the yard! ;)

We also got a swing set for FREE!! seriously it is awesome and such a blessing! Gracie is amazing at tricks! She is super girl for sure! her body strength is nothing short of AMAZING!
Michael also was having so much fun jumping over the lines into the dirt! I found it really funny!
Did I mention my husband is a chef? Yep! his special is "Christmas cheese crackers!" lol!! His philosophy is if you say Christmas in front of the food, it sounds better and the kids are more likely to eat it.. and he is right! hahaha

We also bought a kiddie pool for the kids, since we are having such amazing warm weather.

Ya... we let them skinny dip. We are those parents.. lol!
Seriously though... that behind!! she is sooooo cute!!!

Can you see all that moss?? we have so much work ahead of us! but we are excited for beautiful lush grass in the end.

The only down side is all the dirt the kids track in constantly!! I sweep our floors about at least 4 times a day!

Also a new update is I have gotten my chubby butt to work! I have successfully worked out and ate healthy in my calorie range for almost 2 weeks now! I am down 7 lbs!!
I need to take my before pictures before you can't see a difference in my body shape when I take my after's.
I have been working out every morning to Jillian Michael's 6 week 6 pack. Which is not just ab work.. it's full body and it is hard! I get sooo sweaty and fatigued fast! I really like it though.
This week I have been adding more cardio every other night. I do sport drills and dance drills from an old prenatal video I have that is also no joke!

I am really excited to get back in shape! For so long I start and then I fall off the wagon because of life and I didn't make it a priority. I just decided that this needs to be like brushing my teeth. it needs to be done every day and by every day I mean 5-6 days a week.

It's weird because when I see myself, I still see the skinny, in shape and athletic Camilla looking back at me.. because I know she is in there. but then I see myself naked or I put on clothes and they don't look as good as I would like them to.. and to be honest it holds me back from wanting to be naked and that really poses a problem for the bedroom.. ;) I firmly believe that intimacy regularly between a husband and wife is important for nurturing your relationship and connecting. Sorry this subject may seem too much for a family blog? hahaha
I am actually really private about intimacy.. I joke with people, that as far as my parents know or anyone else.. I am a virgin. lol  obviously not! but I don't like to share what happens there just because it's something special between Mike and I. Not that I judge if you like to share.. I just personally feel our intimate life to be more private. but I'm not a prude.. I can joke. lol
So how this relates to fitness is that intimacy is my biggest motivator for getting back in great shape. I want to look nice not just in clothes. hahaha now I am feeling embarrassed I shared even this!! lol

Mike has also been working out hard! but his motivation for being in shape isn't the same as mine as much.. it's basketball! or sports in general. He doesn't want to be the old man out of shape before age 30.. which he hits in November. So far he has lost almost 25lbs!! I think he is looking awesome! I am so proud of him!
I want him to be healthy so that he stays around to grow old with me. ;)

Anyway, that is kind of it for now.. I guess. I'll have to get more pictures up and one's with me in them.. I tend to be the one taking the pictures. ;) I also will have to share some of my delicious healthy recipe creations that we have been making since we decided to be all healthy! don't get me wrong though.. I definitely still miss my comfort foods! ;)

For now though, hope you all have a great weekend!!

Your Friend, Camilla :)

Just a little extra to make you laugh! hahaha Poor kid!